About CSD

Welcome To CSD

Centre for Skill Development (CSD) enriched with perspectives of skill experts and practitioners from corporations, skill development organisations, the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), and institutions that are enabling jobs for the youth.

Our primary aim is to identify opportunities in skill development that can be addressed through CSR initiatives. It also highlights the areas of skill development that can sustain long term impact of CSR investment and recommend various courses of action which inturn help to build the CSD portfolios of corporates. The CSD is aligned to the national policy of skill development and entrepreneurship and emphasizes interventions that align with the thrust of the policy.

The Vision, Mission and focus of the CSD are integrated with the academic programs and associated activities. The Vision, Mission and focus also impact the facets that are further affected by the academic programs and activities. Thus, the Vision, Mission, Core values, Academic programs and Activities of the CSD collectively contribute towards fostering graduate attributes in the students and the creation of Well-Structured, Knowledgeable, Multi-skilled, Employable and Socially responsible global citizens.

About SDC

Siddi Degree College is established in 2015 with affiliation to Adikavi Nannaya University with college code 138. Since establishment it is offering graduate programmes with Excelent results. SDC Imparts a set of competencies, skills and abilities that the students acquire, along with disciplinary and inter-disciplinary knowledge, through the educational programmes.

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